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Editorial Board

Prof. Richard (Chunhui) Yang 
Western Sydney University, Australia
Research Interest: Mechanics of Materials, Dynamics of Machines, Finite Element Analysis, Computer-Aided Engineering, Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems Design, Automated Manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Circular Economy, etc.

Associate Editor
Prof. Ian R. McAndrew

Capitol Technology University, USA
Research Interest: Mechanical Engineering, Aviation.


Advisory Board Members

Prof. Giuseppe Carbone

University of Calabria, Italy

Research Interest: Manipulation and Grasp, Assistive Robotics, Mechatronics, etc.


Prof. Marian Wiercigroch

University of Aberdeen, UK

Research Interest: Mechanical vibrations, vibro-impact systems, rotary and percussive drilling, design of drilling modules, dynamics and control of smart structures, dynamics of machine tools and cutting processes, dynamics and fatigue, nonlinear dynamics for design, precision ultrasonic machining; friction dynamics and tribology, machine tool design, CAD/CAM, application of numerical methods in engineering, renewable energy, energy harvesting, underwater acoustics and fluid-structure interactions.


Editorial Board Members
 Prof. J. Paulo Davim

University of Aveiro, Portugal

Research Interest: Machining & Tribology, Sustainable Manufacturing, Industrial Engineering, Engineering Education.


Prof. John (Ioannis) D. Kechagias

University of Thessaly, Greece

Research Interest: CNC machines, automations,Control, transfer funcions, vibrations, advanced materials, processing, Optimisation, metals, composites, plastics, ceramics, structure and Mechanical properties, experimental design, artificial neural networks and Machine learning, etc.


Prof. Dr. Timothy Sands

Cornell University, USA

Research Interest: Autonomous robotics (particularly in CIS-lunar space), Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Complex Systems, Network Science and Computation, Nonlinear Dynamics, Remote Sensing, Robotics and Autonomy, Satellite Systems, Sensors and Actuators, Space Science and Engineering.


Prof. Guilin Yang (Member, IEEE)

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Research Interest: computational kinematics, multibody dynamics, parallel-kinematics machines, modular robots, and cable-driven manipulators.

Prof. Pierluigi Beomonte Zobel

University of L'Aquila, Italy
Research Interest: Robotics (Mobile and Fixed Robots, Grippers), Fluid Automation (Pneumatic Systems and Components, Pneumatic Controls), and Bioengineering (Exoskeleton, Orthoses), and Pneumatic Muscles.

Prof. Thomas Hanne

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland
Research Interest: Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Evolutionary Algorithms, Metaheuristics, Optimization, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Systems Engineering, Software Development, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management.

 Prof. Frank Otremba

Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany
Research Interest: Mechanical Engineering.

 Prof. John P. T. Mo

RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Research Interest: Mechanical systems fault diagnosis, Machining and grinding of exotic materials, Autonomous robots, System reliability.

Prof. Hassan Soliman

University of Manitoba, Canada

Research Interest: Chemical Engineering, Thermal and Fluid Science, Heat and Mass Transfer.

Prof. Denis Benasciutti

University of Udine, Italy

Research Interest: structural durability with  random loadings and on thermomechanical stress analysis and low-cycle fatigue.

Prof. Tien-Chien Jen

University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Research Interest: Advanced Manufacturing, Atomic Layer Deposition, Smart Materials, Smart Energy, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Prof. António Ramos Silva

Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Research Interest: Mechanical Engineering, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Control, System modeling and Instrumentation.


Prof. Samia Nefti-Meziani OBE

University of Birmingham, UK

Research Interest: Robotics, Computer science and Engineering.


Prof. Frederico Miguel Freire Rodrigues

University of Beira Interior, Portugal

Research Interest: Plasma Actuators, Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Renewable Energies.


Assoc. Prof. Marco Sortino

University of Udine, Italy

Research Interest:  Monitoring and optimization of machining processes, Modeling and dynamics of machining processes, Intelligent machining systems and adaptive control, Machinability of metallic materials, Statistical techniques for process control, Manufacturing of parts for biomedical application, Micromachining and molding of micro-components, Disassembly, Rapid Prototyping, Laser welding and cutting.


Assoc. Prof. Roberto Raffaeli 

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Research Interest: geometric modelling, CAD technology, augmented reality, configuration, modularity, Design to Cost and advanced simulation approaches for mechatronics systems in the context of the Industry 4.0.


Assoc. Prof. Tang Sai Hong

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia 

Research Interest: Mechanical Engineering.

Assoc. Prof. Francesco Durante

University of L'Aquila, Italy

Research Interest: robotics, bioengineering, pneumatic actuators, and microsystems.


Assoc. Prof. João P. Ferreira

Coimbra Institute of Engineering, Portugal

Research Interest: robotics, humanoid robots, human gait, rehabilitation robotics and artificial intelligence and its application.


Dr. Tianhao Wang

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA

Research Interest: Friction Stir Welding/Processing, Shear Assisted Processing and Extrusion (ShAPETM), Dissimilar Materials Joining, Structural Materials.


Dr. Maciej Mazur

RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Research Interest: Additive manufacturing of polymers and metals, Design for manufacture, Cellular materials, Aerospace propulsion, Tooling, Fluid flow devices, Optimisation of mechanical systems, Mechanical testing.


Dr. Mojtaba Ahmadiehkhanesar (MIET, SMIEEE)

University of Nottingham, UK

Research Interest: Robotics, metrology, control and modeling in industry 4.0 environment.

Dr. Lorenzo Scalera

University of Udine, Italy

Research Interest: dynamic modelling of robotic systems, trajectory planning, collaborative robotics.


Dr. Yuqi Jin

University of North Texas, USA

Research Interest: ex-situ non-destructive ultrasound evaluations, acoustic manufacturing in-situ monitoring, acoustic metamaterials, sound fluidic cavities, laser breakdown spectroscopies, fusion based metal additive manufacturing, and solid-state metal additive manufacturing.

Dr. Nicola Ivan Giannoccaro

University of Salento, Italy

Research Interest: mechatronics, automation, control of mechanical systems, modal analysis.

Dr. Lum Guo Zhan

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Research Interest: shape-programmable millimeter-scale robots, gallium, flexure mechanisms for high precision applications.


Young Editorial Board Members

Dr. Mai The Vu

Sejong University, South Korea

Research Interest: System Dynamics, Mechatronics, Underwater vehicles, Automation and Robotics, Trajectory Tracking, Path Planning, Multi-Body Dynamic Modeling.


Dr. Mohammad-Reza Pendar

University of Victoria,  Canada

Research Interest: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling, Multi-Phase Flows, Cavitation, Electrostatic Spray Flows, Turbulence models, Renewable Energies (Wave Energy Convertors), Plasma Actuators, Conjugate Heat Transfer.


Dr. Esmaeil Esmaeilifar

Gyeongsang National University (GNU), South Korea

Research Interest: Computational Fluid Dynamics; Multi-phase Flows (cavitation, particle-laden flows and free surface flows); Renewable Energies (oscillating airfoils/hydrofoils), Aircraft Icing (Ice Protection Systems), Multiphysics Simulation (Conjugate Heat Transfer); Quantum Computing.


Dr. Ali Shakiba

University of Southampton, UK

Research Interest: Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Mathematical and Numerical Modeling, and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling, with a specific focus on fluid dynamics and heat transfer in fibre drawing, particularly in hollow-core optical fibres.
