Short Title: Int. J. Mech. Eng. Robot. Res.
Frequency: Bimonthly
Professor of School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment, Western Sydney University, Australia. His research interests cover Industry 4.0, Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Engineering Materials and Structures (Metals and Composites), Multi-scale Modelling of Materials and Structures, Metal Forming and Metal Surface Treatment.
Abstract—In this study simulation is conducted on a model of connecting rod of a single cylinder four stroke engine. The main objective of this paper is to develop a new insight for the use of composite material in connecting rods. Finite element analysis was done to compare the conventional isotropic material and the orthotropic Composite Material. Modeling of connecting rod was done using software CATIA V5 and for stress analysis it was imported to MSC. PATRAN. Linear static analysis was carried out for both isotropic material and orthotropic composite material with mesh TET4 to obtain the stress results. Comparison of both the material was done, keeping the boundary conditions “samefor” both materials. For future research, the same analysis can be done with the MESH TET10 and the same can be compared to obtain varied results. Index Terms—Connecting rod, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Orthotropic material, Isotropic material, Patran analysis, CATIA V5 modeling.
Cite: Ramanpreet Singh, "Stress Analysis of Orthotropic and Isotropic Connecting Rod Using Finite Element Method," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 91-100, April 2013.