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Joining the Different Materials Using Friction Welding - A Review

S R Divagar and M Muthu Kumaran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, S.N.S College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India

Abstract—Friction welding finds increasingly widespread in industrial applications as mass -production method for joining the parts and is widely used in various industries. To improve the production facilities, research has been done on various set of friction welds to analyze the fatigue strength, tensile strength and hardness test of various materials. Many variants in friction welding are studied to get better results and problem optimization. A survey about friction welding for joining the different materials is carried out as review report in this paper.

Index Terms—Friction welding, Tensile strength, Fatigue strength, Aluminium, Steel

Cite: S R Divagar and M Muthu Kumaran, "Joining the Different Materials Using Friction Welding - A Review," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 117-122, January 2015.