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Car Runs by Solar Energy

V V Prathibha Bharathi1, V Pandurangadu2, and V V Naga Deepthi2
1.Professor, Mechanical Department, MRCE, Hyderabad, AP, India
2.Mechanical Engineering, JNTUA, Anantapur, AP, India

Abstract—In Today’s world global warming is being increased day by day. There are many reasons like pollution, deforestation, water contamination, etc. In coming years the major problem is depletion of ozone layer which is caused by release of CFC’s from vehicles. So the implementation of solar energy cars should be progressed. This project deals with features involved in a solar energy car which plays a vital role for the upcoming energy crisis.

Index Terms—Solar cars, PV cells, Power trackers, Batteries

Cite: V V Prathibha Bharathi, V Pandurangadu, and V V Naga Deepthi, "Car Runs by Solar Energy," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 571-579, January 2015.