Short Title: Int. J. Mech. Eng. Robot. Res.
Frequency: Bimonthly
Professor of School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment, Western Sydney University, Australia. His research interests cover Industry 4.0, Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Engineering Materials and Structures (Metals and Composites), Multi-scale Modelling of Materials and Structures, Metal Forming and Metal Surface Treatment.
Abstract— The rolling process is one of the most popular processes in manufacturing industries, such that almost 80 percent of metallic equipment has been exposed to rolling at least one time in their production period. Among all kinds of rolling processes, at rolling is the most practical. In industrial countries, about 40-60 percent of rolling products are produced with this type of rolling. Throughout this century, the rolling process has been analyzed by various analytical and numerical methods such as the slab method, the slip-line field method, the upper bound method, the boundary element method and the finite element method. The hot rolling process to form I or H section beam is simulated statically using rezoning. The software used is ANSYS v14.0. The static analysis is performed in two load steps: the first builds up the rolling process, and hot rolling occurs in the second. In the first load step, the billet moves toward rigid rollers to establish contact with the rollers and to fill the gap between the rollers. In this present work, the simulation terminates at near the end of the first load step due to mesh distortion. A rezoning operation repairs the distorted mesh, and the analysis resumes and continues to completion using the new mesh. The parameters such as residual stress, effective plastic strain region, metal flow, temperature distribution, moment of top roller & reaction are being simulated and being represented graphically. Index Terms— Hot rolling, Finite Element Methods, Static analysis, Plastic strain region, Residual stress.
Cite: Yellappa M, Satyamurthy N, Uday M, Giriswamy B G, and Puneet U, " Finite Element Analysis of Hot Rolling of Structural Steel," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 293-310, April 2014.