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Multi-Body Dynamic Analysis of an IC Engine Piston for Shape Optimization

Shivayogi S Hiremath and I G Bhavi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, BLDEA’s College of Engineering & Technology, Bijapur, Karnataka, India.

Abstract—Piston in an internal combustion engine is subjected to gas force. In internal combustion engine, piston is one of the important components parts defined as cylindrical components that moves up and down in the cylinder bore by force produce during the combustion process. The features of the piston are piston head, piston pin bore, piston pin, skirt, ring groove, ring land and piston ring. In this work the connecting rod of a Kirloskar TV1 diesel engine producing a rated output of 5.2Kw at 1500rpm is considered for the study. Load curves are obtained from the pressure - crank angle plots. Gas forces and inertia forces are calculated from these curves. Finite element analysis software ANSYS13 is used to study the stress distribution and deformation in the Piston. The dimensions are physically measured to obtain the CAD model of connecting rod in CATIA V5. Since the weight of the piston has considerable influence on its dynamic behavior, an optimization study was performed on a Aluminum forged piston with a consideration for reduction in weight, stress

Index Terms—Piston, FEA, Weight optimization, MBD

Cite: Shivayogi S Hiremath and I G Bhavi, "Multi-Body Dynamic Analysis of an IC Engine Piston for Shape Optimization," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol.3, No. 4, pp. 67-71, October 2014.