Short Title: Int. J. Mech. Eng. Robot. Res.
Frequency: Bimonthly
Professor of School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment, Western Sydney University, Australia. His research interests cover Industry 4.0, Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Engineering Materials and Structures (Metals and Composites), Multi-scale Modelling of Materials and Structures, Metal Forming and Metal Surface Treatment.
Abstract—The mammoth development in the industrial and automobile sectors has elevated the socioeconomic status of a country. This development is majorly attributed to the energy and its profile. In view of this continuous and reliable energy have become the key issue and this calls for a powerful qualitative approach with regard to energy and its effective utilization. The conventional method of power generation and supply to the customer is not effective in that only about one third of the primary energy fed to the power plant is actually made available to the user in the form of electricity. This necessitates additional techniques or methods to satisfy the energy requirement. Cogeneration plant is one of very effective and popular energy producing methods gaining importance in the recent years. Cogeneration provides a wide range of technologies for application in various domains of economic activities. The overall efficiency of energy use in cogeneration mode can be up to 85% and above in some cases. For the existing power boiler of Cogeneration plant, the thermal analysis and energy audit was carried out proposed work. Index Terms—Industrial and automobile sectors, Energy, Power plant, Cogeneration, Economic activities and energy audit
Cite: S A Mohan Krishna, "An Investigative Study on Thermal Characteristics of the Existing Boiler and Energy Auditing of a Cogeneration Plant," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol.3, No.4, pp. 367-376, October 2014.