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Hybrid Force-Position Control For Manipulators under Transitions Free to Constrained Motion

V. H. López Enríquez and V. Granados Alejo
Robotics Engineering Department, Polytechnic University of Guanajuato, Cortazar Guanajuato, México

Abstract—This paper presents a scheme hybrid force/position control for robots manipulators nonlinear of n-DOF based on the principle of orthogonal decomposition spaces by holonomic constraints, which ensures stability of the closed-loop system because adaptive control exchange force and position between the manipulators to be applicable in free motion and in constrained motion. The reaction force in the manipulator that occurs through contact of the robot end effector to the unyielding surface is obtained via Lagrange multiplier. This controller provides tracking path simultaneous and independent of force and position of robot arm whose end effector is in point contact with a rigid surface. The stability of schema is proved using Lyapunov methods. The proposed scheme is tested on a simulation and experimentation platform where the study is shown to apply the proposed control law consisting of a manipulator five degrees of freedom with open architecture and a force sensor, performing a task tracking position while profiling force is induced. The control provides true convergence errors force and position the system making. The scheme shows similarity between theoretical, simulation and experimental results, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Index Terms—hybrid force position control, holonomic constraints, principle orthogonal, lagrange multipliers, adaptive control

Cite: V. H. López Enríquez and V. Granados Alejo, "Hybrid Force-Position Control For Manipulators under Transitions Free to Constrained Motion," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol.4, No. 4, pp. 319-324, October 2015. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.4.4.319-324