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Design and Implementation of a Path Finding Robot Using Flood Fill Algorithm

Semuil Tjiharjadi and Erwin Setiawan
Computer Engineering Dept., Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract—Autonomous robot is a robot that can perform certain work independently without the human help. Autonomous of navigation is one of the capabilities of autonomous robot to move from one point to another. Implementation of Autonomous robot navigation to explore an unknown environment, requires the robot to explore and map the environment and seek the path to reach a certain point. Path Finding Robot is a mobile robot which moves using wheels with differential steering type. This path finding robot is designed to solve a maze environment that has a size of 5 x 5 cells and it is based on the flood-fill algorithm. Detection of walls and opening in the maze were done using ultrasonic range-finders. The robot was able to learn the maze, find all possible routes and solve it using the shortest one. This robot also use wall follower algorithms to correct the position of the robot against the side wall maze, so the robot can move straight. After several experiments, the robot can explore and map of maze and find the shortest path to destination point with a success rate of 70%.
Index Terms—flood fill algorithm, path finding, maze, wall folower algorithm

Cite: Semuil Tjiharjadi and Erwin Setiawan, "Design and Implementation of a Path Finding Robot Using Flood Fill Algorithm," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 180-185, July 2016. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.5.3.180-185