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Energy and Exergy (ENEX) Analyses of a MD-80 Aircraft

Onder Turan
Anadolu University, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Eskisehir, Turkey

Abstract—The growth in demand for air transport is a problem for the global and local environment. There are, moreover, fundamental conflicts with sustainable development objectives. Sustainability demands a sustainable supply of energy without causing negative environmental impacts of aircrafts. In this paper, an investigation of energy and exergy analyses (ENEX) is reported for a MD-80 aircraft at take-off phase. In this regard, considering ENEX equations, exergy and energy efficiencies of the aircraft are found to be 29.8% and 11.48% respectively, while take-off thrust and specific fuel consumption of the MD-80 is to be 144 kN and 14.58 g (kN.s)-1. In addition, fuel and product exergies of the aircraft are calculated to be 93.92 MW and 28.06 MW.
Index Terms—sustainable aviation, aircraft, green aircraft, exergy, energy

Cite: Onder Turan, "Energy and Exergy (ENEX) Analyses of a MD-80 Aircraft," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 206-209, July 2016. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.5.3.206-209