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Distribution of Dynamic Pressure in Micro-Scale of Subsonic Airflow around Symmetric Objects at Zero Angle of Attack

Shehret Tilvaldyev, Erwin Martinez, Jorge Flores-Garay, and Alfredo Villanueva Montellano
Instituto de Ingenieríay Tecnología, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Cd. Juárez, México

Abstract—The turbulent flow pattern behind the objects induced by shape of solids and its skin-friction occurring, e.g., on the surface of an aircraft, automobiles or the carriage of a high-speed train, is responsible for excess fuel consumption and increased carbon emissions. The environmental, political, and economic pressure to improve fuel efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, and another factors associated with human activities, means that investigating fluid flow in micro scale to reduce skin-friction drag is a pressing engineering problem. This paper is presenting the results of laboratory experiments, studying appearance and magnitude of dynamic pressure in micro scale of subsonic air flow around right cylinder and symmetrical airfoil.
Index Terms—Airflow, dynamic pressure, micro scale, symmetric object

Cite: Shehret Tilvaldyev, Erwin Martinez, Jorge Flores-Garay, and Alfredo Villanueva Montellano, "Distribution of Dynamic Pressure in Micro-Scale of Subsonic Airflow around Symmetric Objects at Zero Angle of Attack," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 226-231, May 2017. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.6.3.226-231