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Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Sawing Process for Hard and Ultra-Hard Materials

Pavel N. Bogdanovich, Dzmitry A. Bliznets, Alexandr O. Shimanovsky, and Volha I. Yakubovich
Belarusian State University of Transport, Gomel, Belarus

Abstract—The justification of the correctness of the selected regimes for silicate glass, leucosapphire and diamond sawing based on the finite element modeling of the friction node deformation is given. The natural oscillation frequencies for the shaft with the saw disk and the forms of stability loss are observed. The analysis of the temperature fields recorded during the sawing process is performed for the hardest sample (diamond). The nature of the destruction for the side surfaces of the sawn pieces is analyzed. 

Index Terms—sawing process, diamond, silicate glass, sapphire, eigenfrequencies, stability, surface destruction, temperature

Cite: Pavel N. Bogdanovich, Dzmitry A. Bliznets, Alexandr O. Shimanovsky, and Volha I. Yakubovich, "Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Sawing Process for Hard and Ultra-Hard Materials," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 120-125, March 2018. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.7.2.120-125