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Design of a Novel 4-DOF High-Speed Parallel Robot

Han Sung Kim
School of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon, Korea

Abstract—Delta parallel robots are now widely used for high-speed applications. However, typical Delta robots, such as ABB FlexPicker, require careful maintenance of the rotating axis with a passive prismatic joint of the rotating axis that is subjected to critical speed. In this paper, a novel 4-DOF high-speed parallel robot with four legs is presented, which comprises three legs with 90° arrangement for translational motions and one leg with rack and pinion gears for rotational motion. The inverse kinematics, velocity, acceleration, statics, and inverse dynamics have been analyzed. From the inverse dynamics simulation for 0.43-s cycle time, the four-axis parallel robot prototype with 12-kg payload has been designed. In future research, computed torque control methods will be developed for the prototype. 

Index Terms—delta parallel robot, Lagrangian method, workspace analysis, inverse dynamics analysis, computed torque control

Cite: Han Sung Kim, "Design of a Novel 4-DOF High-Speed Parallel Robot," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 500-506, September 2018. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.7.5.500-506