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Chatbot for E-Learning: A Case of Study

Francesco Colace 1, Massimo De Santo 1, Marco Lombardi 1, Francesco Pascale 1, Antonio Pietrosanto 1, and Saverio Lemma 2
1. DIIn, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy
2. SIMASLab, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy

Abstract— Nowadays the use of Chatbots is very popular in a large scale of applications especially in systems that provide an intelligence support to the user. In fact, to speed up the assistance, in many cases, these systems are equipped with Chatbots that can interpret the user questions and provide the right answers, in a fast and correct way. This paper presents the realization of a prototype of a Chatbot in educational domain: it has been developed a system to provide support to university students on some courses. The initial purpose has focused on the design of the specific architecture, model to manage communication and furnish the right answers to the student. For this aim, it has been realized a system that can detect the questions and thanks to the use of natural language processing techniques and the ontologies of domain, gives the answers to student. Finally, after the implementation of the designed model, experimental campaign was conducted in order to demonstrate its enforceability and efficiency.

Index Terms— chatbot, E-Learning, educational support systems

Cite: Francesco Colace, Massimo De Santo, Marco Lombardi, Francesco Pascale, Antonio Pietrosanto, and Saverio Lemma, "Chatbot for E-Learning: A Case of Study," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 528-533, September 2018. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.7.5.528-533