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Implementation, Self-Configuration and Coordination of Logistical Functions for Autonomous Logistics Modules in Flexible Automated Material Flow Systems

Christian Lieberoth-Leden, Juliane Fischer, Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Johannes Fottner
Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

Abstract—The modularization of hard- and software is one approach to handle the demand for increasing flexibility and changeability of automated material flow systems that are, for example, utilized in flexible production systems. Depending on the current system configuration, the position and number of entrances and exits of a module may vary. Subsequently, the feasible tasks and the internal execution order of operations within a module are affected. During design time, the later system configuration is unknown, therefore, a concept is proposed to generally describe a module’s internal logistical operations. After a system reconfiguration, the module’s internal function control automatically determines the execution order for active entrances, exits and tasks. Additionally, the function control is able to efficiently coordinate the execution of parallel transports on the same module to increase the throughput. 

Index Terms—convertible and flexible automated material flow systems, cyber-physical systems, decentralized control, execution coordination, execution schedule

Cite: Christian Lieberoth-Leden, Juliane Fischer, Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Johannes Fottner, "Implementation, Self-Configuration and Coordination of Logistical Functions for Autonomous Logistics Modules in Flexible Automated Material Flow Systems" International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 498-505, July 2019. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.8.4.498-505