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Parametric Analytical-experimental Modeling in BLDC Engines Applied to Propulsion Systems on Chopper Motorcycles

Héctor C. Terán, Guido R. Torres, Oscar Arteaga, Jonathan J. Morales, Byron P. León, Daniel A. Morales
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE/ Energy and Mechanics, Sangolquí, Ecuador

Abstract— The present experimental research proposes to analyze the behavior and performance of a three-phase Brushless BLDC electric motor when used as an alternative propulsion system in Chopper-type motorcycles. To carry out the study of the BLDC motor, an electric mathematical model is created and a mathematical model of the mechanical transmission system , with software the models are merged creating a universal equation applied to electric Chopper motorcycles, analytically with the variation of the electric angle (θe), the operating parameters were calculated: electromagnetic torque, power and efficiency, which are used as reference standards and compared with those obtained with field tests in the laboratory with the MotorLab Kit MLK-B, performing rpm tests under the standard IEC 60034-30, efficiency with the standard IEC 60034-31, Rated current with IEC 60038 and power under IEC 60034-30, with the experimental results is proposed optimized parameters for idle and load operation and implement them in the programming of a motor inverter and achieve the highest performance while meeting the quality standard for motorcycles set in EN 15194. 

Index Terms—BLDC electric motor, mathematical model of the propulsion system, Chopper motorcycle

Cite: Héctor C. Terán, Guido R. Torres, Oscar Arteaga, Jonathan J. Morales, Byron P. León, Daniel A. Morales, "Parametric Analytical-experimental Modeling in BLDC Engines Applied to Propulsion Systems on Chopper Motorcycles" International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 600-606, July 2019. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.8.4.600-606