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Topic: Tribology: Friction, Wear, and Lubrication

Studying friction, wear, and lubrication is very important in practice because many mechanical, electrical, and biological systems function on the basis of appropriate friction and wear values. In recent decades, tribology has attracted more attention. Many tribology manifestations are beneficial and actually make modern life possible. However, many other effects of tribology cause serious damage and require careful design to overcome damages caused by excessive friction or wear. Overall, friction uses, or wastes, a significant amount of human energy, while a large amount of production capacity is devoted to replacing the objects that are useless due to wear.

This theme collects papers relating to friction, wear, and lubrication. The subjects covered include solid contact, external friction coefficients, and preliminary displacement, the fundamental principles of friction physics, wear rate, and computation of tribological joints for wear, lubrication, mechanical measurement in tribology, and tribological problems in mechanical engineering.

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