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IJMERR 2024 Vol.13(4): 435-441
doi: 10.18178/ijmerr.13.4.435-441

Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Mobile Robot for Slug Detection and Safe Collection to Prevent Agricultural Damage

Nabil Miri 1, Jana Marzouk 1, Abdulrahim El Mohamad 1, Yahya Aljamal 1, and Hassan Hariri 1,2,*
1. Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Rafik Hariri University, Mechref, Lebanon
2. ECAM LaSalle, Lyon, France
Email: MiriNH@students.rhu.edu.lb (N.M.); MarzoukJB@students.rhu.edu.lb (J.M.); ElMohamedAA@students.rhu.edu.lb (A.E.M.); AljamalYY@students.rhu.edu.lb (Y.A)
*Corresponding author

Manuscript received February 15, 2024; revised March 14, 2024; accepted April 15, 2024; published July 19, 2024

Abstract—This paper introduces an innovative robotic solution to address the challenge of slug damage in agriculture. Slugs, particularly the grey field slug, represent a global plant pest that poses a significant threat to various crops. Their capacity to damage crops not only affects the quality of the product but also leads to unsellable vegetables in supermarkets, making it a pressing concern for gardeners and farmers. Existing methods for slug control often involve labor-intensive hand-picking or the use of chemicals, which can have detrimental effects on the environment and human health. This research presents an eco-friendly and smart solution that ensures the well-being of slugs while effectively addressing this agricultural challenge. The Robot Operating System (ROS)-based autonomous mobile robot, equipped with a camera and employing the YOLOv5 (You Only Look Once) model for slug detection, autonomously navigates agricultural environments using Global Positioning System technology, ensuring precise localization. The collection mechanism, thoughtfully designed to capture slugs without harming them. In contrast to other slug-killing robots, this solution focuses on the safety of slugs, making it a slug-friendly approach. The collected slugs are then safely deposited in a designated storage area. The resulting proof-of-concept robot is both functional and cost-effective, offering potential for scalable production.

Keywords—slugs, autonomous navigation, computer vision, You Only Look Once (YOLO), Robot Operating System (ROS)

Cite: Nabil Miri, Jana Marzouk, Abdulrahim El Mohamad, Yahya Aljamal, and Hassan Hariri, "Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Mobile Robot for Slug Detection and Safe Collection to Prevent Agricultural Damage," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 435-441, 2024.

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