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IJMERR 2024 Vol.13(4): 448-455
doi: 10.18178/ijmerr.13.4.448-455

Designing, Constructing and Performance of Sifter Machine with Double Filter for Corn Rice

Yohanes Benediktus Yokasing 1,*, Amiruddin Abdullah 1, Priska Gardeni Nahak 2, and Ricard Fa’ot 1
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Kupang, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
2. Department of Civil Engineering, State Polytechnic of Kupang, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Email: yohanesyokasing12@gmail.com (Y.B.Y.); amiruddinabd88@gmail.com (A.A);
prigardeni2@gmail.com (P.G.N); ricardfaot24@gmail.com (R.F)
*Corresponding author

Manuscript received July 18, 2023; revised July 27, 2023; accepted December 13, 2023; published July 26, 2024

Abstract—"Corn rice" derives from dried corn which is grinded into grains, and the medium sized grains are sorted (corn rice grains). In Indonesia, people separate corn rice by using traditional sieve tray called "Nyiru" or using Sifter Machine. The Sifter Machine currently used, must be done in 2 stages of the sieving process. This requires more time and effort. For this reason, "The sifter machine with double filters for corn rice" was studied. The Study intended to answer these problems. The machine has the following specifications: 2 filters, 4 springs on each filter, and 3 channels of sifter machine, with rotation of 52.9 rpm, spring length of 100 mm, and a filter tilt angle of 10ᴼ, for a capacity of 1 kg of corn grains can separate 0.402 kg of corn rice. Meanwhile, at rotation of 63.3 rpm, spring length of 80 mm, and tilt angle of 5ᴼ, the sorting capacity is reduced to 0.345 kg.

Keywords—milled grinded corn grains, sifter machine, corn rice, filter

Cite: Yohanes Benediktus Yokasing, Amiruddin Abdullah, Priska Gardeni Nahak, and Ricard Fa'ot, "Designing, Constructing and Performance of Sifter Machine with Double Filter for Corn Rice," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 448-455, 2024.

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